Independent Tutoring
Finding Your Learning Style
In each statement, circle all that apply
(You can choose more than one)
1. If I had a choice I would:
(A) Hear a Story
(B) Tell a Story
(C) See a Movie
(D) Play outside
(teens - go shopping)
2. If I had a choice I would:
(A) Listen to Music
(B) Sing a song
(C) Read a Book
(D) Walk or Run
3. If I had a choice I would:
(A) Listen to the radio
(B) Talk on the phone
(C) Watch Television
(D) Play a game
4, The best way for me to remember is to:
(A) “say it over and over” to myself
(B) “say it out loud”
(C) “make a picture in my head”
(D) "just do it"
5. I understand instructions better when:
(A) someone explains them to me
(B) repeat the instructions out loud
(C) I can read them or see pictures
(D) Someone shows me how
6. When I am thinking I:
(A) Talk to myself
(B) Talk to someone else
(C) See pictures in my head
(D) Need to move around
7. Which fits me
(A) I remember what people say
(B) What I hear, I repeat back
(C) I notice how things look; I like colors and designs
(D) I often play with coins and keys in my pocket
8. I am a:
(A) Listener
(B) Talker
(C) Watcher
(D) Doer
One Minute Parent Self Help Tips
Which letter were you more likely to choose?
A. Auditory (Hear it and remember) _________
B. Verbal (Say it to remember) ________
C. Visual (See pictures in your head) ________
D. Tactile-Kinesthetic (hands on or do it) _________
One Minute Self Help Tips - Teacher Conference Questions
by Jeanette Waters
Hi, I’m a parent waiting for the teacher conference about my son Doug
You know I hate these things, I have to take off time from work and then I have to wait my turn and then I only get 15 minutes.
But today is different. I signed up early and made my appointment 6pm, so I didn’t loose any time from work. I brought paper and pencil so I can remember everything the teacher tells me. I also have better questions to find out what is really going on in class like:
Is Doug working on grade level for reading and math?
What are you covering in Reading and math?
What is the next special project?
When is the next test?
Are their any missed assignments Doug needs to do?What extra credit work can Doug do to help his grade?
You don’t have to wait until conference time, I call in to teachers anytime.Sometimes I don’t come in, instead I do a phone conference at night or in the early morning, then you have more than 15 minutes. Teachers really like email, so use this valuable tool.
School conferences only take a little time out of my busy life, but I am spending it wisely. Well, it is my turn now, I hope you use your turn wisely.
One Minute Self Help Tips - Children Questions
by Jeanette Waters
What is school to you and your children: An overwhelming task with few choices,or a chance to expand and grow in new ways you never thought possible?
Parents you can make it a growing experience by taking (5) minutes everyday andasking your children a few questions like:
Anything happen funny today at school?
What did you do in math today?
What did you cover in Language Arts (Reading) today?
Give me any papers from school?
Anything bad happen today?
What tests coming upWhat projects are coming up?
After you do this for a few days, your child may say, why do are you asking me all these questions and giving me the third degree. You simply smile and say, because I care about you and what you do at school. Sometimes school seems hard and I know that. If there is anything I can do to help, just let me know. I may not know all the class work you do, but I can still keep you on track. I love you and that is my job. Your job is doing your best in school. I’m your parent and I can help make school a growing experience.
One Minute Self Help Tips - Time Management
by Jeanette Waters
I’m a parent, but it is the most important job I haveIf I do not take time for my children now, then why will they have time for me later?
School success is very important because when children learn to manage their school work, they also learn time management skills for adult life.
Here are some simple things you can do to promote school success.
Ask for papers from school everyday including the Agenda book or homework bookAt home, children do homework first, then TV or Video gamesHelp your child figure out to do the harder homework first so you can help them.
Make contact with teachers regularly. You can call anytime and ask How is your child doing?Start using fax and email. Teachers like email.Make sure they go to bed at a reasonable hour and they eat breakfast every day.
Listen to your children. What may seem like nothing to you can be a huge problem to your child. A few kind words from you can reduce their time worrying about things unnecessary.
This is time management and children with this tool will be more successful in school and in life.
One Minute Self Help Tips - School Troubles
by Jeanette Waters
I just found out that my daughter is failing math in school
How could this happen? Why didn’t the teacher call me? Why didn’t my daughter tell me she needed help?
When this happens to you, don’t give up, take action.
Find out from the teacher why your child has failed math (make sure she comes with you). Missed assignments, bad test grades, personality issuesYou can’t fix the problem if you don’t know what it is.
Ask the teacher, what math topic are they covering this semester. What extra credit work she can do? Hire a tutor for a monthAsk for a weekly progress report or a weekly phone conference. They only will do this if you ask. Teachers really like email now, so have them email you your child’s progress
Go to school with your child for a day. They may hate you going, but by the end of the day, they will tell you thank you!
New rule, homework comes first, TV, Video games, and sports, come second.
Try dietary supplements and other new nutritional items (Like Noni, vitamins, etc…)
Never give up.
If you never give up you never lose, it just takes time.
Tell a child what to do rather than what not to do. Using "Do's" rather than "Don'ts" is very difficult, especially if adults already have the "Don't" habit. It is hard to break bad habits. Using "Do's" rather than "Don'ts" requires much thought and practice. However, the improvement in your relationship with your child will make it worth the effort. Instead of saying:
Don'ts like ... Don't Drag your coat on the ground
Say Do's like ... Hold your coat so it doesn't drag
Don'ts like... Don't squeeze the kitten
Say Do's like ... Carry the kitten gently
Don'ts like ... Don't slam the door
Say Do's like ... Close the door softly, please
Don'ts like ... Don't draw on the table
Say Do's like ...You can color on this page
Talk to children as you talk to your friends. If adults would talk to children with as much consideration as they talk to their friends, they would be on the way to excellent relationships.
Speak as if you mean it and give a reason why a child must do this thing at this particular time. A request made in a wishy-washy manner lets a child think you do not really care whether or not you are obeyed. Children can think about only one thing at a time. When they are involved in play, it is hard for them to shift their attention to you. Also, they don't like being interrupted in their play any more than you do when you are reading the newspaper.
Talking "at" a child is one-sided conversation: Put on your raincoatYou are going to spill thatYou need a haircutAdults who talk "at" children often use the excuse that a child cannot converse at the adult's level. But no one including a young child- likes to be talked "at." You may talk at the family dog, but try to talk "with" a young child. Talking "with" children rather than "at" them will be especially helpful when they become teenagers.
"I-messages" are statements of fact. They tell children how their behavior makes an adult feel. Often children don't know how their behavior affects others. "I-messages" are much more effective than "you-messages" when a child misbehaves. "I-messages" give children the responsibility for changing their own behavior. Which sounds better?
I-Message ... I need help picking things up now
You-Message ... You surely made a mess
I-Message ... I don't feel like reading a story when I'm tired
You-Message ... You're a pest
I-Message ... I get upset when I see mud on the floor
You-Message ... You ought to be ashamed
I-Message ... I can't hear you with all that screaming
You-Message ... You better shut-up!
I-Message ... I don't understand
You-Message ... You're dumb
When children are allowed to express bad feelings freely, they learn how to handle them in healthy ways. Hiding bad feelings is self-destructive. Bad feelings do not disappear, they can lead to self-hate, headaches, ulcers, and violent actions. Remember: Actions can be labeled good or bad, but not feelings. Feelings are neither good nor bad. They simply exist and their existence must be recognized. Examples:
You are sad because your dog died.
Your are upset because you didn't win the game.
You are mad because Jenny wouldn't let you play with her new doll.
You are mad because you were not asked to the dance.
Door openers are invitations to say more, to share ideas and feelings. They tell children that you are really listening and interested, that their ideas are important, and that you accept them and respect what they are saying. Examples:
I see.
Tell me more
Say that again. I want to be sure I understand you.
No kidding!
That's interesting.
One Minute Self Help Tips - Book Bag Magic
by Jeanette Waters
I walk in dragging a school book bag behind me saying, “Man this school book bag of my sons is heavy. What the heck’s inside of here?”
A child’s book bag from school has a wealth of information for you as a parent.
Inside here is a magical tool called the Agenda book or homework book. A lot of schools today provide them to the children. But as a parent you need to pay that $10 for a new agenda book if your child looses it. But he won’t loose it if he knows you are checking it. Besides homework information, it also tells you about Tests, Projects, class trips, meetings, etc.
It is your job and your right to regularly look inside. The child doesn’t always have to know. You can always look at it when they are playing, or after they go to bed.
It is all about helping your child organize their time at school so later they can be more successful in life.
Looking inside a book bag is a small thing to a parent, but to a child, the ability to organize your day it is a wonderful gift.
Yeah! This book bag is heavy and I am glad my child and I use this wonderful tool.
One Minute Self Help Tips - Teacher Conference Questions
One Minute Self Help Tips - Children Questions
One Minute Self Help Tips - Book Bag Magic
One Minute Self Help Tips - Time Management
One Minute Self Help Tips - School Troubles
One Minute Self Help Tips - Why You Need To Be Involved
One Minute Self Help Tips - Why You Need To Be Involved
by Jeanette Waters
How to find out from your children what is going on in school?
Hi, I’m just a parent, but it is the most important job I have.If I don’t take the time now to be involved in my child’s life,Why will my children be involved in my life later?
One simple way to be more involved is to care more about what my child is doing in school. They are there 8 hours a day and I should know more about this time. Learning to ask the right questions when I talk to my children is very important.
Don’t ask how’s school? The answer is generally “Fine.”Tell your child, from now on I want to know more details about school, because I really care about you and your schoolwork. Without a good education, it is hard to make it in the real world. You have just made a promise to your child and you need to keep your word. Ask questions like:
Anything happened in school today that was funny?
Ask did anything happen that was really great?
Ask did you have any bad things happen to you today?
Then find out if it happened during lunch or which class. If it is class, then ask what was the teacher talking about before this happened
Any tests or projects in this class coming up?
What chapters will the test be on.
what is the project about?
Is it in your Agenda/Homework book? If not, let’s put the information in there.
Next ask,”Do I need to sign any papers for school today or anytime soon?
Then go through each class subject like that and get more and more details.
This only takes 5 or 10 minutes and it can help your child tremendously.