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Buy CD
Rappin' & Mathin'
with Big "J"
Get Your Copy of Big J’S R&B Times Tables
Lyrics by Jeanette Waters *** Produced by Douglass Watkins
This CD holds a mix of times tables from 2's all the way up to the 12's!! To hear a free sample of the fives click the link below to listen! To purchase please email or call the contact us. Each times table has a different beat for fun learning:

Big J’S R&B Times Tables CD
$10 (Includes Shipping)

2 times table - Rap beat
3 times table - Indonesian beat
4 times table - Disco beat
5 times table - Hip-Hop beat
Rhyming Times Tables R&B Music
"Click the arrow to Hear a Free Sample"
Mommy J's Simple Word Attack Skills (coming soon)

6 times table - Slow Jam beat
7 times table - New Age beat
8 times table - Piano beat
9 times table - Old School beat
10 times table - Violin beat
11 times table - Guitar beat
12 times table - Outer Space beat

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